Tuition & Fees


Tutu's & Taps, Sugar Plum Fairies, Dancing Dolls & Darling Dancer Classes:  

Sing, Dance, Perform Class: 


Annual Registration Fee:      $20/per dancer  $40 max for family

Recital Fee:    $40/per dancer (due in Feb., exact date TBA)

Costume Fee:  TBA- I do my best to keep costume fees down to a minimum. I know we are all on a bugdet. Estimates of Costume Fees will be given in November, exact costs will be given in December and fees will be due in Jan., exact date TBA *Last year's costume fees were between $20-$40 depending on the class.

* Tuition is due the first class of every month

*Tuition is based on your child receiving an average of 4 classes per month, some months will have 5 classes, while others will have 3 due to a holiday. It becomes a wash in the end. Any extra classes cancelled for any other reason, will be provided a make-up class

*If tuition is more than 5 days late, a $10 late fee will be charged to the account. Your child will not be allowed to participate in class until your account is paid in full

*There are no sibling discounts